Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Crested Saguaro Cactus

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When I'm out hiking in southern AZ I always keep an eye out for Crested Saguaro Cactus. The Saguaro is recognized as a symbol of the old west by almost everyone. The Crested Saguaro is an abnormality that causes the top of the cactus to form a large fan. These cactus are very rare, I've read that it occurs in as few as 1 of 200,000 cactus. Here are photos of two that I have found. One of them has a double crest, not sure how rare that is. The double crest cactus is about 15 feet tall, the other is about 20 feet tall. Another good reason to get out and hike in Arizona.

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