Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Another Ironwood National Monument Nude Hike

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I went on another nude hike in the Ironwood Forest National Monument yesterday. I went further out than my last trip and started my hike from the old Silver Bell Cemetery which can be located on Google Maps. There's a windy jeep/atv trail that heads out to the west but I went cross country. Like my last hike, vegetation is spread out enough so that walking is pretty easy for the most part. There's a few places where you have to be careful and work your way through but well worth it. I came through with uninjured. To the west of the cemetery parking area there are low hills so the hike entails some up and down with nice views from the high points. The desert is really beautiful this year from the winter rain. Lots of green and wildflowers. It was a great day.

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