Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

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Had a quick naked hike this afternoon on my
Birthday! 61 and enjoy the world like I came into it! The mosquitoes were bad though! Lol

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday! Wow, your body is in outstanding shape for 61!! Congrats!

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday....You look great and don't look a day over 25 !!

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Thanks guys! Youre awesome !

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday!

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy birthday. You're looking great, as ever.

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday ole buddy! LOVE your Birthday suit. Looks good on you! Hope you enjoyed your naked day!

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy Birthday!! :)

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

You look great. A very fit 61.

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Happy birthday, hot stuff!

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RE:Birthday Hike in Birthday Suit

Congratulations and nice to see you are enjoying your great birthday suit. Thanks for sharing.

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