Nude Hikers

Any & all Nudists who have & shall enjoy a Nude hike, of any length, along any trail, well trod or self-blazen; whether amidst tall timbers in a rich forest, parallel to caressing waves along a sandy beach, circuitously passing ageless stones in a high desert or wherever the proximate terrain allows for spending several hours hiking Nude & feeling the Freedom of brushing against the Wonders of...

Naturist Men's Backpacking Group

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I'd like to invite you to join a new Meetup group I started:
Naturist Men's Backpacking
Please check it out and see if you'd like to join and take part in creating our first venture out on the trails:

What we're about -
NATURIST - (one who practices) a lifestyle of non-sexual social nudity, and the cultural movement which advocates for and defends that lifestyle. Both may also be referred to as nudism. Wikipedia
MEN - a group of adult male persons.
BACKPACKING - is the outdoor recreation of carrying gear on one's back, while hiking for more than a day. It is often but not always an extended journey, and may...involve camping outdoors. Wikipedia

In a nut-shell:
non-sexual social nudity
adult males
carrying gear for more than one day
overnight camping

This is a PRIVATE free-hiking group for men of all levels of experience (in life, personal freedom, sexual orientation, political and religious tolerance, and of course backpacking!) who enjoy and explore nudism while backpacking and camping, and doing it together. We are men of ACTION. We are here to challenge ourselves; to share our knowledge and experience as sportsmen with each other; and to take our adventures to another level scouting out various parks and trails we think would or could be great for clothes-free hiking and/or camping.

GEOGRAPHICALLY we are initially focussed on the lower-Mid-West, upper South, and Mid-Coast states. This includes: Ohio, Kentucky, West Virginia, Indiana, and possibly Tennessee, Virginia, the Carolinas, Pennsylvania, and Illinois. Events can be organized regionally and shared with the entire group, while all members are free to travel any distance to participate.

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RE:Naturist Men's Backpacking Group

I joined the Meet-up group.

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RE:Naturist Men's Backpacking Group

I tried but can't figure out the picture requirement. I never did do very well trying to manipulate pictures on the internet. had it sort of figured out on my old puter, but that one gave up. I'm quite tech savvy in some ways and not others.
I haven't actually backpacked in years, but do love to wander the wilds. And staying out is no big deal. just have to take minimal stuff to keep warm at night and be comfortable, and dry if it risks rain. Just haven't bothered to try it in a long time because I live in the middle of the wild forest canyons where it's easy to walk back home before dark. And I don't do public access trails nude. only wild places where it's not likely to meet others who'd be put off by it. Especially since I'm in the mid SE where the nude thing is not all that well known or accepted yet. And since it's not very attractive to hike clothed any more, I haven't done any public trails in a long time.

Oh and I wonder one thing. Why just men? Real true naturism is good for all ages and sexes, and I'd welcome any participants. I wish I'd been introduced to unclothed recreation in the wilds when I was a child.

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