Nude Gun Owners
really, the title is all you need
what was your first gun? mine was a Mosin Nagant M1891-30 yours?
Howdy we are currently living in Oregon but now gun haters have taken over and my wife andI are thinking of moving before the gun laws get worse. We are thinking about Utah or Wyoming. Can anyone here tell me about the gun lawsand any nude...
Has anyone here ever had the chance to do some target shooting while nude? Was it a one time thing or do you get to do it on a regular basis?
Like the title says, are there any group members who shoot black powder guns? Whether it be muzzle loading rifles or cap & ball revolvers, let me hear from you. I have two fifty caliber muzzle loading side lock rifles that are accurate to well over...
Anyone else a fan of the 1911 platform? What brands do yall have?
Here is a story from WW2 concerning a naked gunner on an aircraft. How did he end up naked? a You Tube Vid.
Does anybody have a Walther PPQ M2 or has shot one?
Does anyone have any experience with the Ruger EC9s? I purchased one today and so far I like it, but I would like to know what experience anyone else has had with one.
I own a Glock G23 40 caliber.
Me, I added a red dot and 3x magnifier to my Kriss Vector .45 ACP carbine. Plus a new rifle in 5.56 (tough enough to get now in Canada). Will have to get some pics soon, but it's a might chilly still :-) What did Santa leave under your tree?