Nude Democrats

a group for liberals and progressives

Us fellow nude Dems have to stick together! lol. It amazes me how a nudist can self identify as a Republican, belonging to a party that would ban nudity in the shower if they thought they could get away with it!

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RE: Nude Dem,


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RE:Nude Dem,

I didn't even realize there was a thread for naked Democrats until Alan "Nudedudinknox" posted in it what he was not going to do this fourth of July: wear clothes and watch Trump's 4th of July parade. Thanks, Alan!

I know that there are people who take exception to the idea of "naked folk" expressing their politics: and it seems that they think that there is no place for politics in nudism. Just like in church, or the PTA, I guess?

But we live in a world, or at least in a country, where there is nothing that one does or says that doesn't suggest a political position; and in these circumstances, not to assert one's position is itself to state a position.

So let me say, I'm proud to be a naked-getting guy with progressive leanings: while not always uncritical of the Democratic party line, I'm happy to support a party that seems pro-environment, pro-feminist, pro-gay ... in so many ways, the Dems speak for me, and always have.



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