Nude And Driving

Are you someone who tries to get nude behind the wheel. Yes I did too. And when I was on a small trip across 3 states, I was nude for nearly 3-4 hrs.. Of course I kept the clothes handy and close if in case needed. Share your story !!! and fun moments !!! Join my drive

Taking a chance

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I drove nude through most of my 1.25 hour drive along the 40-freeway from Russellville, AR to Fort Smith, AR through the state in the U.S. that I understand to have the most strict anti-nudity laws in the U.S. At one point, a state trooper drove at close range. Thankfully he had better things to do than to bother with citing/arresting someone who we can all agree was doing nothing to hurt anyone. When I arrived at the hotel, I just parked toward the back and got dressed in the car before I drove back to the front to get out and check-in.

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RE:Taking a chance

Didnt it feel amazing!!!??? Ive driven many times on highways and there was a cop that passed me once. He wasnt paying attention to me. I would love to take a long nude drive like that! Cant believe we were in the same state for a couple of days! Safe travels F.

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RE:Taking a chance

I found that most people don't even pay any attention to the person they are passing, or is passing them. I always look over - but have never seen a naked driver or passenger. And I'm in a truck, so can usually see down.

But driving naked is fun.

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RE:Taking a chance

I prefer to drive this way and my wife also prefers I drive naked. I'm a much calmer and more patient driver when I'm nude. Been driving nude since 1971 and I was in the Navy. Drove from SF to LA area, then LA to San Francisco most weekends. Took about 7 hrs total with a stop for fuel. I did, however, slip on a shorts for the fuel stop.

Had a CHP officer drive up next to me on the hwy and shine is light into my car. I was shirtless but he shut the spotlight off and drove away. I've driven next to cops for a bit and never had them doing anything but nod or wave or glance over and drive on. My favorite vehicle to drive naked is our motorhome, which I did recently returning form an RV trip. I drove it naked over 4 hrs. Thank God for the onboard potty. Drank too much iced tea and had to pull over twice! LOL

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RE:Taking a chance

I prefer to drive this way and my wife also prefers I drive naked. I'm a much calmer and more patient driver when I'm nude. Been driving nude since 1971 and I was in the Navy. Drove from SF to LA area, then LA to San Francisco most weekends. Took about 7 hrs total with a stop for fuel. I did, however, slip on a shorts for the fuel stop.Had a CHP officer drive up next to me on the hwy and shine is light into my car. I was shirtless but he shut the spotlight off and drove away. I've driven next to cops for a bit and never had them doing anything but nod or wave or glance over and drive on. My favorite vehicle to drive naked is our motorhome, which I did recently returning form an RV trip. I drove it naked over 4 hrs. Thank God for the onboard potty. Drank too much iced tea and had to pull over twice! LOL

Motor homes must be the ideal vehicle to drive nude. High enough to make it difficult to be seen and drinks, snacks and bathroom on board.

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RE:Taking a chance

I almost always drive nude.

I have, at times, made a point of watching people in other cars. Seems that very few people ever look at people in other vehicles.

I wear a wrap-around skirt with velcro closing. Take my shirt off before I get into the car. Open up the skirt once I'm in the driver's seat. I always have something to put into my lap just in case.

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RE:Taking a chance

About 2 years ago the ac went out in my work van it was August and hot I made it through the first day driving home but the 2ed day it was horrible I pulled off at rest stop look around and undressed rest of way home I was nude and much cooler except I stuck to the vinyl seats lol

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RE:Taking a chance

I almost always drive nude.I have, at times, made a point of watching people in other cars. Seems that very few people ever look at people in other vehicles.I wear a wrap-around skirt with velcro closing. Take my shirt off before I get into the car. Open up the skirt once I'm in the driver's seat. I always have something to put into my lap just in case.

I sit on one side of a large towel so I can flip the other side over my lap when necessary.

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RE:Taking a chance

I sit on one side of a large towel so I can flip the other side over my lap when necessary.I keep my t-shirt sitting right next to me and move it to my lap when necessary.

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RE:Taking a chance

I've done my share of nude driving and will continue to do so.

Its risky here where I live due to our pubic nudity laws. Its become more so with the advent of cameras in tunnels and on bridges observing driver behaviour, but more insanely with the cameras that detect mobile phone use and seatbelt infringements!

But regarding people around you and as many have already commented here; not many people ever notice you are nude, and in my own experience, including police. I have even driven past traffic control folks at construction sites nude and not been noticed!

I did have a truck driver notice me on one of my earliest nude drives though. He got pretty 'excited' about and started yelling out erroneous comments about my sexual orientation and behaviour. Was short lived with my exit coming up and have not ever had any repercussions.

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RE:Taking a chance

Yes. Motorhomes are the best way to drive in nude comfort. However, I'm not sure it qualifies as "taking a chance." It's rather risk-free. Driving a conventional vehicle is more of a rush -- always loved driving to and from Sarasota and Dunedin (over the Skyway) years ago, when Sharon & I were dating. Happy travels! Derek

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