Nude And Driving

Are you someone who tries to get nude behind the wheel. Yes I did too. And when I was on a small trip across 3 states, I was nude for nearly 3-4 hrs.. Of course I kept the clothes handy and close if in case needed. Share your story !!! and fun moments !!! Join my drive

Taking a chance

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I drove nude through most of my 1.25 hour drive along the 40-freeway from Russellville, AR to Fort Smith, AR through the state in the U.S. that I understand to have the most strict anti-nudity laws in the U.S. At one point, a state trooper drove at close range. Thankfully he had better things to do than to bother with citing/arresting someone who we can all agree was doing nothing to hurt anyone. When I arrived at the hotel, I just parked toward the back and got dressed in the car before I drove back to the front to get out and check-in.

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RE:Taking a chance

my first time driving nude years ago i had spent the day at the nudist camp i was a member of and was reluctant to go home let alone get dressed when i did get off the chaise lounge and reached my van still nude i open the rear and tossed my cooler and tote bag in and started reaching for my clothes and instead grabbed my keys and shut the tailgate . in the driver seat bare ass i headed out the gate don't remember what i was thinking everything was at the back including my license . out the gate it was dusk but still light enough i was in my minivan so i wasn't as low as a car, next question in my mind than expressway or backroads i chose backroads that took me through four small towns , i like driving with my windows down and that night no exception but nude i left them partially up . breezed through first town second town at the light i looked back and yep a police car behind me , i had heard stories from others being nude and stopped and arrested so no doubt i was nervous luckily he turned off . once away from the towns i rolled the windows down what a thrill of freedom , needless to see i made it home exited the van open the back tailgate and went inside nude no clue if even my neighbors saw me i will never forget that first drive. i've driven nude dozens of times after mostly from another camp i'm a member a few times at night enroute to florida and once with a friend to savannah . but after that first drive with nothing to cover me i have put my coverup within reach .

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RE:Taking a chance

and just one other thought if i'm in my vehicle driving how am i exposing myself ? aren't those peeping in invading my privacy not like my vehicle doesn't have doors and windows.

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RE:Taking a chance

Depending on the place you are driving through, it is possible that you cannot count on privacy inside your own vehicle, legally. The car is considered public property in some states and as such, public decency laws can, and sometimes will, be enforced.

I do not agree with these laws, by the way. Years ago, I did surely enjoy many warm evenings with the windows down and even the top of my convertible off when it was dark outside; the only clothes on me were my shoes. Now, having heard some harrowing stories from fellow nudists, with a better knowledge of the law, and a desire to avoid jeopardizing my present status of living full time at a nude resort - the lingering uncertainty as to what being caught nude could mean in what is stupidly considered to be a public place - keeps me in at least my underwear at all times in the car. You never know what might be just around the next bend or over the hill you're cresting.

Serious killer of the buzz, I know, but the possibility of ruining my nudist life for the momentary thrill of naked driving is not worth the risk. That's how it is in the commonwealth of Virginia - how are the laws in your state? If you don't know, you might want to flesh out that information before you show your full flesh on the highway. More people may be noticing than you think.

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RE:Taking a chance

If I knew that other drivers could see my "full flesh" on the roads, I would not drive nude. With that said, that is absurd for the law in some states to treat an individual's vehicle as public property. That means that any State official could just walk up to me in that state and require me to hand over my keys to them and I would be required to oblige? I would say that such a law is unconstitutional, but I am not a legal scholar. In any case, it has never been an issue and I have never even been close to getting in trouble. If I am alone in the vehicle and the weather is warm while I am driving in an enclosed vehicle (as opposed to a convertible or one of those open jeeps), it is likely that I will be driving nude.

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