North Carolina Male Nudists

Just a group for male nudists to exchange info and chat, and meet up for nude gatherings..must have a photo to share, or what is the point? Sandyguy45

I used to be on here and try to meet new people, especially in the ILM area, but I took an accidental hiatus for about a couple of years or so. Reaching out to you guys over here in Eastern NC to see whats up and if anyone wants to chat. Doesnt seem like this group has been as active as it used to be.

Also, anyone know how to get in touch with Fball? I havent talked to him in years and I wanted to see how hes doing. I just reset my skype password if anyone is more a fan of messaging in a chat setting vs. replying back and forth.


Have a great one everyone!!!!

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RE:Hey neighbors!

Hi. In Fayetteville. Willing to take a little drive to hang out.

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