Non-smoker Nudists

A group for nudists who are non-smokers.

An old anti-smoking message

This used to run on Canadian TV: Gee, I've got to quite smoking. Tell you what, if a woman in a purple hat with a feather walks by, I'll throw away this cigarette.. ... uh no, she also has to be wearing a leopard skin coat... uh, and red...


Hi everyone. Linda suggested I introduce myself to the group, so here goes: My mother died of cancer back in 2001. While the cancer was generalised, it is believed it originated in her lungs since the damage was first noticed there. My mother never...

How to quit smoking

It occurs to me that some smokers may pop in here from time to time. A handy guide to quitting smoking may set them in the right direction. Please add tips here as you have time to do so. The first thing you need to do to quit is make up your mind...

Hi group

"Iwonder whether I belong in this group, because I never have smoked. I ama no smoking advocate. If you ask me, "Do you mind of Ismoke?," my answer would be "Yes I DO mind." I celebratethat in recent years, more places have...

It is sad...

...thatmost of the non-smoking people that are in this group cannot find time to share their experience with others. It has been a month since the last posting here. If you are not going to participate, then why are you a member in this group?

Hi everyone,

I just wanted to take a moment and introduce myself. My name is Jen and I am currently a smoker. Linda was kind enough to open the door and let me in (providing I left my cigarettes and smoke ridden clothes outside). The reason I wanted to join your...

Just saying hi

I can't stand the smell of cigarette smoke. I can't imagine putting that into your lungs. Keep it smoke free and clothes free