Nocturnal Nudists

For those clad only in the silver glow of the moon.

Nude in the Dark

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I'm mostly nocturnal by nature, and love a good walk through the woods in the middle of the night - especially if it's raining.Am I alone in this hobby?

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RE: Nude in the Dark

Thanks, I'm looking forward to other's stories as well.
My place doesn't offer much privacy, but as I work 3rds I often visit old hiking trails that never get any attention. There's something really primal about being naked in the woods in the middle of the night.

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RE:Nude in the Dark

I love being outdoors hiking or exploring under a full moon there is just something invigorating and primal about being in the wilds in skin clad only in moonlight.
Standing on top of the world's highest dunes feeling the desert sand its warmth comforting you as the moonlight baths you in it rejuvenating energy while solitude of the desert night allows you to decompress and restore your balance.

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