New Orleans Nudist

Nudist who live in the New Orleans metro area including the south and northshore.

New Orleans group?

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Is anybody interested in meeting other local nudists in person? I'm willing to organize and host (uptown, unfortunately no yard). If so, you can respond here or write to me at I'm thinking of a very casual, laid back kind of get-together.

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RE: New Orleans group?

Even learning this Footloose Fake ID, ,line dance or any others that you all know or want to learn would be great too!!About time you spoke up! Mr.Social!

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RE: New Orleans group?

Even learning this Footloose Fake ID, ,line dance or any others that you all know or want to learn would be great too!!About time you spoke up! Mr.Social!
LOL You know I was going to hop in eventually. But I was trying to give others a chance. My ideas are usually extremecompared towhat people actually want to do! I bet most people who read this thread is thinking card games, football, andbeer. That is lame and depressing if you ask me. I think we should be making music, building something, learning something, creating something, DOING SOMETHING!!!! The reason I love the karaoke at Indian Hills is because it is the most exciting time at the place. The rest of the day people are basically lounging around and talking about the good ole days. Well you know what, those days are gone so what are you going to do about today!! There is no basketball at the place, sand volleyball is gone, the pingpongtable is gone;I do think it is nice that we have a place but it is a giant lounge. I think people are capable of doing more than simply lounging. Ok that is the end of my rant LOL sorry, I got way off topic.

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RE: New Orleans group?

Even learning this Footloose Fake ID, ,line dance or any others that you all know or want to learn would be great too!!About time you spoke up! Mr.Social!
LOL You know I was going to hop in eventually. But I was trying to give others a chance. My ideas are usually extremecompared towhat people actually want to do! I bet most people who read this thread is thinking card games, football, andbeer. That is lame and depressing if you ask me. I think we should be making music, building something, learning something, creating something, DOING SOMETHING!!!! The reason I love the karaoke at Indian Hills is because it is the most exciting time at the place. The rest of the day people are basically lounging around and talking about the good ole days. Well you know what, those days are gone so what are you going to do about today!! There is no basketball at the place, sand volleyball is gone, the pingpongtable is gone;I do think it is nice that we have a place but it is a giant lounge. I think people are capable of doing more than simply lounging. Ok that is the end of my rant LOL sorry, I got way off topic.

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RE: New Orleans group?

Card games, board games, video games....all great things that we can do in groups. ^^
We could even have movie nights or something. We have a pretty hefty movie collection, between the girlfriend and I.

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RE: New Orleans group?

It would be nice to have set days that we could meet at Indian Hills to meet everyone, and maybe do some Volleyball, or a cookout, etc. ^^

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RE: New Orleans group?

Even learning this Footloose Fake ID, ,line dance or any others that you all know or want to learn would be great too!!I don't think this is even possible without at least belt loops and cowboy boots lol!

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RE: New Orleans group?

My ideas are usually extremecompared towhat people actually want to do! -snip- I think we should be making music, building something, learning something, creating something, DOING SOMETHING!!!!Maybe I'm an extremist too but this sounds like a good idea to me. Seems to me lots of nudists are somewhat introverted and aren't comfortable for more than a minute with small talk and chit chat. But put 'em in a work group or learning situation and they're fine.

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RE: New Orleans group?

It would be nice to have set days that we could meet at Indian Hills to meet everyone, and maybe do some Volleyball, or a cookout, etc. ^^I'm just guessing but I also think Indian Hills would be better for a first time get together. It's relatively public compared to someone's home, it's easy to find, and it gives nervous social nellies a way to slowly blend in with the group rather than awkwardly jump in with both feet (so to speak). It will also provide an easy escape route for disengagement if they want it. Hopefully, they won't want it but they're more likely to show up in the first place if they know the escape option is available. (by "escape", I don't mean leaving the resort. I just mean going back to the safety of their solitude.)
And getting back to the "do something" idea, what about a volunteer effort to put in a volley ball court or basketball hoop or whatever. Are there any kayakers here? Has anyone ever held a kayaking lesson for learning bracing, self rescues, and rolls etc? I've never checked the depth of the pond though, and management may object to using the pool. So that might not fly. But something along those lines might draw in a few peeps that wouldn't ordinarily show up. And it wouldn't eliminate the social chit chat for those that enjoy that part.

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RE: New Orleans group?

My original thoughts were to eventually have a group that held multiple event each week on the smaller scale and two or three larger events each month. With that as a backdrop, all of the suggestions fit.
I up for doing the organizational meetings and some weekly or monthly events at IH, BUT I'm really hoping to expand this to the south shore and hopefully further to Baton Rouge, Gulfport, or beyond.
Most of all, I want this to be inexpensive, convenient, inclusive, and not burdensome. Run by the membership not a select few.

I know it's asking a lot, but those commenting now will be the ones called upon to get things started. With growth the involvement will improve and those interested can work toward a leadership role.
Initially let's keep it simple.

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RE: New Orleans group?

All great ideas for a first time together. Hope it happens soon. I would prefer New Orleans myself as I love convenience..LOLWell Carpooling can happen. It is free to go up the bridge. It takes about the same amount of time to go from NOLA East to the Airport as it does from Metaire to Mandeville...and going over the lake is prettier. Plus if someone is willing to open their home and people keep saying they want to get together outside of Indian Hills, then meeting in the host's home should be satisfying.
I'm not really directing my comments to you. I know that when someone plans something then the reasons come out. This post started 5 years ago and no one on the South Shore has organized or stated a date and place to get together at their home. Are there reasons to be cautious? Sure, that is the smart way to be. However, Yawate was/is a member of IH, he has hosted other nude events, he was an outspoken nudist at LSU, he participated in the WNBR, he had met a few at the Country Club, and he is younger yet willing to open his home to knowingly older group of people.
Soooo men (and if there are any women (fingers crossed)) respond in the positive and come to the event planned!

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