New Orleans Bare Bears

Hoping to create a social group where a group of guys can get together for a naked BBQ or pool party.

Where do you perfer to go nude in New Orleans area

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Not a very active group. So let me break the ice. Where do you perfer to be nude in the New Orleans area? I am a home nudist but am looking to try public and am looking for some suggestions.

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RE: Where do you perfer to go nude in New Orleans area

I am a 48 state trucker and I get to La Place, LA. often. There are 2 truckstops that are connected by a hiker/ biker trail. Some people go to fish the mini cannal? , while I go to to , semi descreatly, enjoy no tan line tanning. Or sometimes sitting by the waters edge in my canvas chair. In the nude . Of course. I keep my towel nearby and easy to put on shorts . Just in case. However I have been aproched by paserbys, who decited to stop and chat. I would cover with the towel. Share my viewpoints. They would be ok with everything ,. then I would un cover. Some would leave and some would stay a while. Some of my encounters have even became un-clad thereselves.

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