New Nudist

For anyone just starting out home alone or whever into nudism that wants to share his or her fears, expeiences, etc. I am also inviting anyone who wants a FRIEND to chat with Clothes or Whatever on the SUBJECT. I was a NewBie Last Year and had a few great friends on Yahoo Chat help me relaxe & got me over my fears. If you want to Yahoo Chat IMme at ChiGuy168 on Yahoo all I ask is that you have a...

When is the right time to get naked at a...

As I drove to visit to my local nudist camp for the first time about a year and a half ago, I struggled with this question. Do I talk to someone and fill out paperwork before I get nude? Do I strip as soon as I get there? When do I get naked? As I...

Newbie to nude

Hi ladies gents, Very new to all this..Have a few pics but not sure what I should be doing. Enjoy seeing you all naked you all look beautiful..

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Hey yall

New to,this site long time nudist tho. Havent found any nudist friends yet but hopefully soon. Completely open naked btw anywhere i can be I am and will be naked. Message me if ur into going on adventures and whatever anything new/fun/ and/or...

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Where I am at in my journey

Well. My nudist journey has been going on for a few years now. I have finally settled into how this will work in my relationship. So I thought I would share. I have been hiking. The wife has come with me. (Got caught once) visited some c/o beaches...

My first resort

I have been wanting to go to a resort for a while now for two reasons. 1. I figure it is a safe place to be nude with no worry about being spotted or arrested like on a hike. And 2 because I felt the beaches I was being watched and judged by...

Embarrassing question

So I'll just ask I am a big guy320 but I have a small member and I am really shy about it but i don't want to be so should I jump in the proverbial Shark Tank? Or what any ideas?

New here and to nudism

Hey everyone! I'm new to this site and group, as well as to nudism. I'm a 22 year-old college student in Atlanta. Just wanted to introduce myself!

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New couple to the world of nudism

Hi all! We live out in the country in Florida. I was wondering how to meet like minded people who share the nudist life style? I can say that I'm open to meeting new friends, but my wife isn't that adventurous. Takes her some time to warm up...

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Nudity and Exhibitionism

Maybe it's me and my being new to nudism, but aren't all nudists exhibitionists? I mean if we aren't then why do we like being naked in front of others at beaches, resorts, clubs, and even our own backyards, pools and hot tubs? I know of...

New Nudist from Mississippi

Hello everyone, I have been enjoying this lifestyle for about a week and I am more relaxed and sleeping better. My wife is not a nudist and disapproves of me being one but hopefully I can make friends with enough couples that I can bring her around.

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