Naturally Nudists

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Is it taboo to be an excited male nudist?

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Well I am not sure if I crossed the intent of the group here feel free to delete this conversation if its to negative, I am here with a good friend/s, I can post this elsewhere if required, however it did trouble me.
Is it taboo to be an excited male nudist? Well here is the issue, and I received an unpleasant response from a female nudist on another nudist web site. In no way did I ask for sex, discuses or imply sexual requests. My account verbiage is almost identical as on TN.
That member claimed I was just looking for sex. I should just go to AFF and get some there. She said no woman would go to a nudist event with a married (list as complicated) man. In my profile that is very similar here on TN, I mentioned I find excitement at these events and enjoy them. The reality of it i find both a level of excitement and relaxation at the same time. Similar to depression and anxiety i am plagued with from return from overseas.. well anyways...She said I was not supposed to be exited at nudist events and I should read AANR web site, however in her profile she mentioned fun and excitement at similar events that seems to be house and backyard parties. My experience has been nude beaches, hot springs and a few resorts, pool side
My response to read AANR web site, in my option I reserve my freedom, my philosophy of what nudism is to me! A notion to solely rely on one organizational philosophy and have it dictated to me is not me. . Do I respect there philosophy yes, do I agree with all of it, no. I am an avid hunter and enjoy a right to have fire arms; Im not a member of the NRA because I dont agree with everything they sell as the AANR. The short, she mentioned fun and excitement, yet if I mention excitement, its taboo and equated my feeling of excitement as to an erection, If nudist beaches and events were boring... Why go.
again, if I crossed the intent of the group here feel free to delete this conversation if its to negative, thanks for reading .

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RE: Is it taboo to be an excited male nudist?

You're all good my friend. I've never known you to be disrespectful. Thank you for sharing. I believe the woman you spoke with may have had too many negative experiences with men that claim to be true nudists, which I suppose would vary in definition. I believe the human body is good and intended for goodness. If a man is aroused in public, just as with clothes on, be discrete and no one will raise an eyebrow. Go in water if poolside, use a towel... many ways to enjoy without being overtly sexual but sometimes genitalia has a mind of it's own... much could be said but it would be great to hear another man's perspective.

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