Naples, FL

Nudists who live in and around Naples, FL.. Live year round or a snow bird for the season. People interested in meeting others in the area who share the naked life style full or part time. Home Nudists, Resort and camping nudists, naked boaters, hikers, etc. Lets find each other here in Naples, FL!

Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

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Going to give it another shot and see if there is anyone in SWFL, FT M, NAPLES, or on MARCO/GOODLAND. Changed to a private group as was talking with a couple nudist friends who said they didnt join any groups unless private as they were just more comfortable not being exposed to the world as they are closet nudists. I get that! So, will give it a shot as a private group to see if that changes anything. I just kinda expected more nudists here in Swfl. Hope to see you here!

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RE:Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

Am a snow bird but will be in Naples the 16 to 23 if you want a crew for fishing one day. When there I sail everyday nude and have a private spot on the beach for sunning.

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RE:Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

Heading to Naples on Wednesday- hope for sunny skies and fair wind to sail

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RE:Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

Went straight from the Fire season to the rainy season. Just cant catch a break in the weather all year and string a week of good days together.

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RE:Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

Sorry, missed your post as failed to check the group with some work and guests that arrived at my doorstep.

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RE:Going to try again to manage a NAPLES, FL Group

I also sent a friend request - back north now. Maybe next season

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