Naked Seniors!

A group for 50, 60, 70 year olds and above, as well as younger admirers of naked seniors. At our ages you think we'd know better. Running around with no clothes on--we could catch a death of a cold or, even worse, pneumonia! Everyone knows, too, that gravity begins to take over as far as our bodies are concerned--men as well as women suddenly find they need support in places they'd never...

I am 63 and really counting the days to retire!

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I turn 63 last July, and being thinking on early retirement, really I am ready for it now that I can enjoy it, BUT $$$ is the big issue, LOL

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RE:I am 63 and really counting the days to retire!

Do your thoughts include living aa much as possible and getting rid of most of your clothing?

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RE:I am 63 and really counting the days to retire!

I am 63 and retired in February I been planning my b retirement since I was 45 , I actually could of retired at 61 but was asked to stay on its all in the planning

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RE:I am 63 and really counting the days to retire!

I am 63 and retired in February I been planning my b retirement since I was 45 , I actually could of retired at 61 but was asked to stay on its all in the planning

Do you spend more time nude since you retired?
Have you gotten rid of much clothing?
I have less than half as much as I did before I retired.

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