Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

My massage experiences and training.

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I was a member of a nudist group, 'Elysium' in California. After they closed a couple tried to continue the experience at their house on Mulholland Dr in Thousand Oaks CA. They would have monthly group massage sessions with a different modality each month. We had a Tantric practitioner one month. I loved the experience so started talking lessons and reading up on Tantra and Tantric massage. I was fascinated, and hooked on it. After a while I put ad up on Craigslist to massage couples and single women. Did the massage for about 10 years or more and loved all the experiences, especially with couples. I would primarily massage the wife. Towards the end of the massage while massaging her breasts and yoni, the husband (or BF) would invariably join in and we would either satisfy the wife or all three of us would play together in whatever way pleased both of them. Being bi myself it usually worked out that all three of us were very pleased. When with a single woman it would usually end with me performing cunnilingus for her pleasure. Not alway reciprocated, which was fine with me as I can be totally satisfied with just pleasing someone else.

At the present time I live in a small town between two big cites, Bakersfield and Los Angeles. So, rarely have someone to exchange with anymore. I'm open though. But as I said primarily couples or single women.

~~ namaste ~~

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