Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Any massagers in Austin

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I'm visiting Austin until 2/23 and would love to meet some locals (clothed or unclothed). It's my first time here and I feel like I'm missing out!

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RE: Any massagers in Austin

Yes, Christa. 512.698.7418. While she, herself, is dressed, she will give you a wonderful massage with you nude.

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RE: Any massagers in Austin

Yes, Christa. 512.698.7418. While she, herself, is dressed, she will give you a wonderful massage with you nude.
Will try to reach out to her... Am long waiting for one

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