Naked Massage

Naked Massage Group is for people to Massage in the Nude; And for those who prefer to be Massaged Nude. Good Topic, and discussion. Have Practised Massage for well over 20 Years, both with Vanity Towels and Nude.

Very Enjoyable Massage but now my heart is heavy

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I try to get at least one massage on each vacation. The most recent vacation I got three! The first at the resort hotel we were staying at in Orccha India. The guy had no qualms about my total nudity and no draping. He had me sitting in a chair workingon my head and shoulders for the first 15 minutes. At one point actually slapping me rhythmical upside the head.
The 2nd was also enjoyable from a young death woman in Pokhara Nepal. The third was from a blind masseuse in Kathmandu Nepal. Ninety minutes long just before I started the long journey home. He started with a towel draped over me, but once he got working on my gluteus maximus the towel was tossed aside not to reappear. I wanted to bring him with me so he could work on my travel weary body when I got home.
Now my heart is heavy, I have no way of knowing how the young deaf woman or the blind guy faired in last weeks terrible earthquake.Were they inside giving massages in some old Nepalese building? Are they homeless living in makeshift tents?
My heart goes out to all the Nepalese people , but especially those who I interacted with while I was there.

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