Naked Boardgamers

Group for those interested in playing boardgames naked online. I mostly play on boardgamearena. Huge selection of games on there. I play from simple - Coloretto, Sushi Go, Papayoo vai Takenoko, Caracassonne to more complex like The King's Guild, Teotihuacan, Stone Age. Chat and hook up on Cam (using messenger or whatsapp) while playing on BGA.Also playing in person in normal times in Brighton...

board games in the nude

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i will play a board game with you in the nude on skype/messengerzoom

what game are you interested in

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RE:board games in the nude

Well MANY moons ago you replied to my boardgame request - it is a LONG time since I have been in Truenudists - - but I thought I should give it another go. If you are still up for playing on BGA then that would be good. I play all sorts - current favourites are Wingspan, Castle of Burgundy, Jaipur, Cacao, Alhambra, Rauha, Knarr, Azul, The King's Guild, Takenoko, Hanamikoji


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