Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

10 minutes would have made a difference

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As soon as I pulled in the driveway after an 11 hour workday a pickup truck pulled in behind me. A guy running for a local judgeship. Election signs are all over for him and his opponent for Indiana's May 3rd primary. Honestly I have not decided who I will vote for. I have heard good things about both and a bare minimum of negative about either. About the 10 minutes , if he had shown up 10 min later, about the amount of time it took me to strip off, hit the john, and grab a drink. he would have caught me bare ass in the backyard . I had a towel but no clothes. guess if he had I could have asked him his opinion on private nudity. that would have helped make up mind

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RE: 10 minutes would have made a difference

Well, you never know. He might have said, "Oh, yeah!"

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RE: 10 minutes would have made a difference

another saturday another campaigner. This time I was actively mowing in long sleeve shirt and my barely there short which arean old swimsuit with the crotch material cut away and the sides slit so that what is left is an elastic waist band and fabric flaps front and back. It was actually a politically active neighbor with some campaign lit for one of the 6 candidates for our US Rep seat that is open.We talked for 10-15 min he never made a comment about how revealing my shorts were. If he had come later in the afternoonand followed the sound of the mower he would have caught me bare ass mowing the part of the yard that can not be seen from the road.

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