Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

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Had to venture into the "real world" this morning for a meeting. What a drag. Back home now enjoying the sun on the deck behind the house, although it's a bit chilly today. What are you guys up to?

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Geez you dont have to rub it in ha ha...good for you

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

LOL! Don't fret it Cowboy, I'll get my time back.

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Well we have been in the "real world" all day and you are correct, it is a drag. However we are headed home very soon and return to the wonderful world of nakedness. A friend is coming over for supper and she says she needs a soak in the hot tub for her sore back. So it's looking up !

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Just got home from work waiting for the house to warm up so I can get naked. Miss the summer so much

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Right on, dude. Good stuff right there!

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Past four days have been unseasonably warm here--in the 80's with light breezes. Get home from work, shed the clothes quickly, grab the towels and lounge chair and head to the patio to bask in the sun and unwind from the daily grind. Tomorrow weather goes back to normal. What a drag. Still will shed the clothes upon getting in the door.

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

I finally got home from work and am watching the Cubs vs Dodgers and drinking a nice glass of wine; au natural. But it will only last until I have to go to work again tomorrow. But, for tonight I'm a happy guy.

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

i jason got kids up for school then went out back and had a nude smoke spent more timeout there this morning was able to suck up some moon time at 6am lol you all have a great day

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Geez you don't have to rub it in
Boy, I LOVE rubbing it in and .......................
Oh wait. That was something else, wasn't it ... LOL!
Never mind!

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RE: Woo hoo.. no more cloth!

Had to venture into the "real world" this morning for a meeting. What a drag. Back home now enjoying the sun on the deck behind the house, although it's a bit chilly today. What are you guys up to?well hello, this is a website for nudism, what, you think nobody else goes nude? You think you are the only one who has this pleasure? why do you have this option that anybody gives a rats arse what YOU are up too??????????????

This is one more thing I hate about this site, rude or sarcastic comments. If you don't like a post, move on, leave it alone.

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