Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

iam a home nudist been about a year now some one told i can be a nudist because i only do it at home what do yull think

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RE: home nude

you are a home nudist if you are nude only at home.

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RE: home nude

If you enjoy living doing normal activitys whilst you are nude whether it be at home, on the beaches, nudist resorts or nature reserves such as forests or rivers or any other place you disrobe for the pleasure of being naked, you can call yourself a nudist.
In your case you are only nude at home so the pigeon hole home nudist has your name in it.
One thing that irks me is the people who say "Unless you attend social nude events with other people who are nude your not a true nudist".
In my opinion those so called elite nudist are talking thru the place where the sun don't shine.
My wife and I are only nude at home these days because there are no other places locally in Vietnam where we can get nude without seriousconsequences. So currently we are home nudist too.

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RE: home nude

iam a home nudist been about a year now some one told i can be a nudist because i only do it at home what do yull thinkIf you like shedding your clothes whenever or wherever then in my opinion your a nudist so dont worry what others tell you

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RE: home nude

Some people only have the chance to be nude indoors due to where they live and are too far away from where they can be nude outdoors such as a nudist beach so you are a nudist.

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RE: home nude

Nude at home, nude on a beach, nude at a resort. Who cares? If you enjoy life without clothes I reckon that makes you a nudist.

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RE: home nude

Why does everything have to have a title. If you enjoy being nude and do it when practicle, youre a nudist. I get tired of hearing titles all the time. "Dont use the word lifestyle, dont call it a nudist colony, use the proper word, ex: nude, nudist, naturist, au natural." My word! Where does it ever end. I thought nudist were more accepting and easy going.

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RE: home nude

If being nude at home is your only choice the so be it!! But you are a nudist or a naturist how ever you want to call yourself!! Why dos everything has to have that title name, like a post before mine stated!! Why does every thing have to be so politically correct?? That's what wrong in America and the world today!! Everything has to have a title or a name because if it doesn't we may offend some one!! The deal with the Redskins was so stupid, a poll among native Americans didn't find it offensive, but some white guy did!! We put titles on people white, Afro, Chinese, Japanese, or any other nationality, why can't you just be proud Americans!!! So you're nude at home good, because maybe you aren't able to leave your home because of neighbors, or that nasty obscenity law!! You are a nudist, don't put a title on it!!

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RE: home nude

Why does everything have to have a title. If you enjoy being nude and do it when practicle, youre a nudist. I get tired of hearing titles all the time. "Dont use the word lifestyle, dont call it a nudist colony, use the proper word, ex: nude, nudist, naturist, au natural." My word! Where does it ever end. I thought nudist were more accepting and easy going.Agree as if we prefer to live our lives without cloths on we are nudists and some are more lucky as they can spend nearly all their time nude and others a very limited time nude and where you can be nude as well.

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RE: home nude

If you enjoy being nude (whether at home, socially, or both) then you're a nudist.

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RE: home nude

If you go about your everyday activities nude whenever possible, simply because it's more comfortable that way and there's no need for clothes, then you're a nudist. If there are situations when you need to be dressed (work,going to store, etc.) you're still a nudist who happens to have clothes on.

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