Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

New Years Resolution

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What is your new year resolution?

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RE: New Years Resolution

Mine is easy, to get out to more nude socials! And Make more nude friends!Mine too! Also get in a steady work out routine. While I take yoga 3 times a week it's the cardio and weights that I want to implement on the other days. I' do it for a few weeks and then something happens and next thing you know it's been a month. I'm really going to work on it this year.

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RE: New Years Resolution

to be nude more

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RE: New Years Resolution

Every city I go this year I will run one mile naked no matter who is seeing me, as a contribution to the nudist revolution :-), already did it on NYE, was great, made some pics too...

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RE: New Years Resolution

What is your new year resolution?
Hi All , Mine is to be nude more and get a little bit fitter since being back home each moring has started with a hour nude walk along the beach we will have to see how long it lasts

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RE: New Years Resolution

They say that they just go in one year and out the other.
Mine is to have fewer nudist holidays abroad and explore the possibilities here in the UK more. I had 14 last year which was a bit over the top. Having said that I've booked 5 up already and itsstill early January! I also want to check out my bucket list. One target is to be sponsored to do something in the nude.

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RE: New Years Resolution

Make more nudist friends and try to attain few nudists social gathering.

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RE: New Years Resolution

Meet new NUDE people from here in person

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