Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Anyone can be a Father.......but it takes somebody special to be Dad! Happy Fathers Day to all you Dads out there.

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I understand and agree. Thank you.
I am a stepfather who did get a card, gift and hug from my adult stepson. His bio father never tried to even see him and refused to sign the paperwork to let me adopt him.

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Happy Father's/Dad's Day to all the TN Dad's out there!
My mother divorced my abusive father and later married my Dad! I was 12 and though I was the only one out of the 4 children, from this man, that had most of the contact with him, it ended as soon as the lawyer and judge said I didn't have to see him again if I didn't want to.
My StepDad ... he is my dad. He was there before I started HS and is the ONLY dad my siblings know. The crazy part ... he's only 11 years older than I! But ... he's still my Dad, I love him and owe him everything!
So ... when people ask me about my life history ... I refer to my biological father as my biologicalfather and my step father as my Dad. ;-)

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