Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

I'm nude right now and I always sleep naked it feel comfortable and healthy

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RE: Sleeping

I sleep nekkid too. I love the feeling of the air blown down on me from the ceiling fan as I lie on soft, cotton sheets.

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RE: Sleeping

I know the feeling love it

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RE: Sleeping

It is so restful to sleep in the nude with just the ceiling fan on.

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RE: Sleeping

With the heat wave that we had the last few days for sure sleeping naked without sheets and the windows open...more comfortable...

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RE: Sleeping

I have slept nude for around the last 40 years. Don't even own a pair of PJs.

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RE: Sleeping

Naked is the only way to sleep

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RE: Sleeping

I so agree with you. It just feels so proper and natural not to be tangled up in unnecessary clothing. Happy you find it best too. Steve

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RE: Sleeping

The only way to sleep is right!!

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RE: Sleeping

Been doing it for years. love waking up having my coffee and reading the newspaper.

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RE: Sleeping

I sleep naked all the time

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