Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Happy Nude Year!!

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Since no one said it yet, I will be the first:
Happy Nude Year everyone :oD
Let's hope it will be a prosperious one with lots of positive things to happen..
Stay nude and healthy :o)

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

And a belated happy nude year from us.

Unfortunately, mine has been a naked-less new year as I've got the cold that's going round at the moment and I just can't get warm :-(

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

Well it started out good. Several nude days with the wife and a few nudie friends New Years eve.

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

The wife and I have it too. Over the weekend she said she was cold and mentioned getting dressed. I said hold up, went over to the thermostat and cranked that thing up. Problem solved.

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

Di's been down with the flu! I'm playing nurse maid and doing all I can to keep from getting it too. It's cold, cloudy, some times rainy but I'm still able to remain naked with a couple of space heaters and the gas fireplace. Di's in her robe and says she can't wear anything else. Robe comes off at nap time or there's no nap! hahaha

Happy New Year to everyone. Do your best to spend as much time as possible naked in 2017! Getting the motorhome outta storage next week to give it a once or twice over then make some plans for some short trips to the club and beach!

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

Happy belated Nude Year everyone. Rockdad, AndyDi hope you guys are feeling better.

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

Andy, please give Di my empathy and wishes that she recover SOON! Being ill is never any fun.

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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

She's back on her feet and feeling better. Hopes to accompany me with some errands today so she can get outta the house. Thanks, I'll be sure to pass on the well wishes from everyone!


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RE:Happy Nude Year!!

Happy belated Nude Year everyone. Rockdad, AndyDi hope you guys are feeling better.

Why thank you. We hope the best for you too in this new nude year. I think half the people I know are down with one thing or another. Good to hear Di is perking up. Maybe it was your nurse maiding. I had a passing thought of you in a little nurses outfit :-D

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