Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

how naked of you today ?

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Saturday work, but no one is here, so might as well be nude

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RE: how naked of you today ?

In my birth suit since yesterday :)

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Completely naked at the moment. It's too damn hot to wear clothes!

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Totally naked since 48 hours ... and counting ...

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RE: how naked of you today ?

In line for s haircut so clothed at the moment!

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Dressed and at work..... I would work nude but I don't think my customers would appreciate it... I wish!!

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RE: how naked of you today ?

my mother is out for a while. so I am naked in house now. my mom is gay so she shouldn't mind but for somereason she does not like me being nude in the house.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Not naked enough for my liking.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

I'm naked at home : )

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RE: how naked of you today ?

had a meeting from noon until 3:30 today, otherwise nude since yesterday.

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