Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

how naked of you today ?

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Completely .... like everyday we are home and no one is coming over! :D

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Nekkid on my leather recliner with laptop on my lap.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

How naked "of" us?

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RE: how naked of you today ?

nude all afternoon got anhour sun on the deck will be naked when wife gets home from work getting supper ready for us

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RE: how naked of you today ?

I finished painting the suite bedroom this morning in the nude. I got dressed at noon because it turned cool....but now it is hot as the sun came back out. Strange weather for a few daysjumping back and forth between hot and cold.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Not so nude right now, lot of outdoor projects. Can't wait to get home and get nude.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Just got home and striped completely down. Going for swim next

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Cosy in bed without a stitch.

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RE: how naked of you today ?

TOTALLY naked except for my glasses

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RE: how naked of you today ?

Naked in my living room

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