Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

New member just saying hello to the group

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Hello Group

Thanks for letting me join
I am new to being nude at home and have not ventured outdoors yet nor have I been nude at home except by myself. So truly just getting started.
Working from home I have started working nude which has caused some lapses in concentration. LOL
O look forward to getting to know some nude friends
Please reach out if you would like to chat

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RE:New member just saying hello to the group

I was lucky enough to be able to telecommute from about 2000 till an early retirement, so no prizes for guessing the office uniform.

No video chat then! I do voluntary work in which many people contact me by phone. It is just as well that they can't see me.

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RE:New member just saying hello to the group

No video chat then! I do voluntary work in which many people contact me by phone. It is just as well that they can't see me.

I did nearly accept a video call from my MIL once - she must have done it by accident as I doubt she could have done it on purpose.

All of my work comms is either email or voice calls. Makes life so much easier. Just a pity I don't get to work from home more often.

When I do though, I do have a chuckle as I know how conservative some of my colleagues are

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