Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Working from Home

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Looked for, but could not find, a thread about working from home in this group. I apologize if there is another. Here is how I came to work nude in my home office.
For the first 15 years of my software development career I wore the uniform of business suit and tie. The exceptions were weekends, casual Fridays (when that became the custom), and when working at a client site where business casual was the rule.
When I first starting working from home about 20 years ago, I wore walking shorts and a shirt. Basically, golf clothes. The idea of working nude was not something I had even heard of, much less considered for myself, even though I loved being nude at the beach.Because my Florida home office would get warm from the computer equipment and the direct sun, after a few months I decided to remove my shirt for comfort. I had never worked shirtless. It took a while to get acclimated. I kept my naked chest to the grindstone.
Being physically more comfortable while working was something I enjoyed. It was not much longer when I decided to try working without clothes, figuring more comfort would be even more enjoyable. And it was. Another advantage of working nude is not having to make any wardrobe decisions in the morning; get out of the shower and become a productive member of society.
I don't work nude all the time. If it is not convenient due to going outside a lot because of our dogs or comfortable in cooler weather, Ill be clothed. Also, my wife now works with me from home. In the past, to foster a more professional atmosphere, I wasn't always naked at the keyboard. But over the years, with her getting accustomed to my non-sexual nudism, it doesn't seem to make any difference whether Im nude or not.

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RE: Working from Home

i wish i could find a job i could do from home. it's far more laundry than i want to do.I do the laundry in the nude.
When I retired I stopped off on the way home, stripped and made a bonfire of my work clothes - suit, tie, shirt, socks, underwear, everything. My shoes were still smouldering the next day.

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RE: Working from Home

When I retired I stopped off on the way home, stripped and made a bonfire of my work clothes - suit, tie, shirt, socks, underwear, everything. My shoes were still smouldering the next day.Now that is one of the most amusing nudist tales I've read!
I think back to the suit and tie "uniform" I wore for years, before working from home, and wonder how I got any work done being so uncomfortable.

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RE: Working from Home

Allergic to clothes in general and neck-ties in particular ... now when I am self-employed and working from home - it is bye bye tie ... forever ...

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RE: Working from Home

I do the laundry in the nude.I vacuum in the nude, if not, works up a sweat.

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