Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

do you use towels?

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I keep towels handy for sitting on hard chairs and other furniture. Do any of you use towels around your house to sit on?

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RE: do you use towels?

It's usual nudist etiquette to sit on a towel or napkin when sitting on any surface. I usually follow that, though here in India we wash thoroughly after defecation and don't just use toilet paper. Still, one never knows what secretions might spoil the upholstery!

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RE: do you use towels?


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RE: do you use towels?

Most toilets in Vietnam have a bidet hose to wash ones backside and then dried with toilet paper once having done the deed.So our posterias are clean, however we still put towels on seats which make you sweat and we have detachable washable cushion on our wooden kitchen chairs.

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RE: do you use towels?

Yes - or sheets.

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RE: do you use towels?

Personally I always wonder why questions like this are posted.

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RE: do you use towels?

Yes, we always use towels to sit on.

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RE: do you use towels?

yes always a towel or a pareo

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RE: do you use towels?

I keep towels handy for sitting on hard chairs and other furniture. Do any of you use towels around your house to sit on? i also keep them on hand for guests to sit on.

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RE: do you use towels?

yes, i always use towel or pareo.

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