Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Should be customary umong nudists

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I've always wished that their was a strict custom that you MUST COMPLETELY disrobe when entering a nudists home and stay completely nude for the duration of the visit in the same manner as when you enter a Japanese persons home you must take your shoes off and keep them off...

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

Too harsh of a rule. What if one of your friends was a clown and made all his visitors wear clown paint to enter his home?

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

Too harsh of a rule. What if one of your friends was a clown and made all his visitors wear clown paint to enter his home?Match Point haha

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I agree as well but people don't understand nudism and it sucks.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

pizzacouple I would get naked in your home no issues there. You live in the state next door to me.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

Too harsh of a rule. What if one of your friends was a clown and made all his visitors wear clown paint to enter his home?
If clownism was a lifestyle as established as nudism - why not !

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

Great answer globalnudeboy!

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

I just go with the mood at the moment. While I'm completely comfortable being naked at home, I give any visitors an opt-out. Depending on the visitor I may dress as well (but not be happy about it!)

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

It would be good if there was a rule to be naked in nudist surroundings. But we know it often does not happen - just look around some nudist resorts in the evenings. I'm always naked when I welcome nudist visitors. They usually strip off on arrival, which is good for both/all of us. But I'm quite happy if they prefer to stay clothed. And when visiting friends I take the lead from my host.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

In my house that is the rule. It's how we grew up.

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RE: Should be customary umong nudists

This topic is a complete contradiction of what most nudist argue about and fight for ... freedom to live as we prefer. Laws that force you to be clothed on your property, even within your own home. Some have been prosecuted for being naked in their own home. Yet, the OP wants us to force nudity onto those that visit our nudist home and possibly make them uncomfortable.
We don't want to be forced to have to wear clothes when we prefer andare able. Why force someone to be naked when they prefer to be clothed?

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