Naked At Home - 2014 / 2024 -

For people who like to be naked in the house...

Anyone amused by the new member "littlefish" who only joined two
days ago with a page containing another website link to get people
to go to and has amassed 115 "pages" of friends?!
(That would be over 1000 people at 10 per "page.)

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RE: Spammers

Haven't run across littlefish.

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RE: Spammers

I've had a few of these recently and when I got the request from littlefish instead of immediately just denying her I sent her a message pointing out that she had no information in her profile and that all of her friends had been added within the last 16 hours. I asked her to tell me about herself and asked her why she wanted to be my friend. I heard nothing back. So then I denied her.

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RE: Spammers

Just tried to look up that name it says no profile exists. There was a similar one just last week went by michellecurious. That supposed female had over 2250 friends in five (5) days. Doesn't seem possible to do that mathematically. People to just be aware of I guess.

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RE: Spammers

Fred, gayfeather is a really nice guy, just thought you should know.

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RE: Spammers

Don't forget, you can flag the profile for spamming too and if you'd all had done that, "her" IP address would be blocked so she can't make other profiles and start up again.

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RE: Spammers

Don't forget you can block anyone whoyou do not want contact with, especially if they repeatedly contact you.

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RE: Spammers

requested me three times never did respond. seems a little fishy to me after checking her profile.
sorry about the pun.

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RE: Spammers

Just tried to look up that name it says no profileexists. There was a similar one just last week went bymichellecurious. That supposed female had over 2250 friends in five(5) days. Doesn't seem possible to do that mathematically. Peopleto just be aware of I guess.
It's been suggested that these FRs are being sent by some kind of a
Bot ... presumably a femBot ;-)... so it won't respond
to any messages sent to it ... They tend to hit-and-run. There is
very little security on this site ... some pictures can be viewed even
without logging in... but you probably, already, know that...
I did not respond to the latest FR from a suspicious sender
and it has disappeared already.

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RE: Spammers

We had the request too. No pics and denied. We surprised that next time we logged in and it was there again. In a span of two days we received about 4-5 of her friend request. Denied all times.

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RE: Spammers

Has anyone else gotten repeated friend request from nudebetty? I am thinking it another spammer...maybe wrong ...but have denied her also

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