Military/Exmilitary Nudists

Open to all active duty and former military persons who served in a military branch. Who enjoy being nude whenever, wherever and with whomever they can be. Past, Present and Future. SempreFi.

Asbestos exposure claims ...

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Has anyone here filed a claim with the VA for asbestos exposure?

I have been hounded by past shipmates and my tax accountant to file a claim but haven't yet. I've made the initial phone call to get the ball rolling and am waiting for a response.

Any experience with this claim would be helpful.


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RE:Asbestos exposure claims ...

I know this a year old, but this would be an excellent question for a VSO. Veterans Service Officer. They're main job is to help you navigate the system and if they can't do it, they find someone else you who can.

They're in just about every VA hospital and most Vet Centers. Hope this helps. Good luck on your claim.

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RE:Asbestos exposure claims ...

I developed a Reactive Airway Issue from deployments. I just got my overall rating for everything last month finally. It is a process an half to go through the Disability rating process. I would recommend reaching out to your local VA office there and ask about a veterans Service Officer to help you with the process. They will give you guidance eon how to request your records. You will also want to supply any and all civilian treatment notes as well to support breathing issues. Not knowing your case, you are looking for the magical 30% minimum that gets you VA treatment coverage for the rest of your life.

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