Middle East & North Africa (MEN

Middle East & North Africa loving nudists. For those you are both from and love the people, sites, and feel of this area of the world. Would be great to hear about the weird and wonderful that make this area of the world so special.

Beautiful Places, for clothes or not!

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I went to a couple of amazing places in Morocco such as the mosque in Casablanca and pretty much the majority of the country. I found my favorite spot was les valee de toudra...apparently ''god created heaven and gave it to the berbers'' which is what my friend said when we were visiting. I would love to visit many parts of the rest of MENA. So what else is nice?
Obviously all these places I mentioned are for clothes and that needed respecting while I was there as its not so locally accepted. I did enjoy a private pool in Casa though with a friend. So it was out of being in the offensive range

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