Masonic Nudists

A group specifically for Freemasons. Both Ancient & Free and Free & Accepted.

hope this site is still active

please feel free to contact great to hear from someone with the same interests as me

Dead Group

Brothers it's time for me to put in a demit. The last post here was me a year ago. rickpat

Thank You Brothers for including me

Hi Brothers, Thank you you for letting me in your group. I am aMM with duel membership in Michigan and Texas. I am also active in the York Rite in MI but not so much in TX so far. My wife & I spend the winter in Southern TX on the Gulf of MX.We are...

Is this site working ?

Hi Brothers , I sent a message a few days ago & it wasn't posted. Is this site active ? Rickpat

Question - Moderators

Hey guys, I made a couple of you moderators. Can you approve new members? Is that an option to you? I mean, does it show up for you? If you can, it would be nice, as I am having a time with work at the moment. Please vett them a little.... thanks...

Opening on the MM

So, Brothers, seems like there are a few of us in TX. I would like to ask the PM's if there is anyone willing to get a temporary dispensation to open a lodge on the MM on a nudist resort. I was thinking here at Riverside Ranch. My father is also...

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Masonic Bodies Group ??

Greetings Brethren - I am pleased to be part of this group and hope that all live by brotherly love, relief, and truth. It is a beautiful discipline that is added to our lives. I thought why not add our "sisters" of appendent bodies who...

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I have changed the group settings

Hey guys, now there are two moderators besides me. I may actually make that 3. I have also changed the group so that to be a member requires approval. Please, before approving, make sure that they are mason's. Thanks and happy nude year!!! Jerry

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I'm a little slow on keeping up these days brothers. Someone I just asked to join the group, is already a member. I believe we have a PM with us now. Bandera, please advise if I am correct, I am only presuming at this point. Remember brothers,...

Posted a notice in the general forum

I have posted a notice in the general forum that this group is now here. I guess we will have to wait a time with patience until our request can be made to the general populace. Until then, welcome, in the spirit of friendship and brotherly love......

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