Male London Socials
Do you find NM events too sexual? We are the alternative. We are a community of friendly naturists (identifying as he/him or AMAB) who meet every month for a purely social gathering with pot luck food. If you are nervous as you are starting out or have to be careful because of work, then message us. The e mail is in Rules section under 'About' tab.
Having a few friends over to my place in SW1 (Victoria) on Sunday afternoon for a few drinks and to hang out nude. Like to join us?
Yogatraveler is in London visiting the UK and is looking for a place to couch surf if anyone has room/ couch to spare. Hope this helps him out
Hey fellow nudists! I have a nudist WhatsApp group that welcomes nudists from all over London to join, share experiences and make new connections. If anyone wants to join just drop me a message with your number
Hey fellow nudists! I have a nudist WhatsApp group that welcomes nudists from all over London to join, share experiences and make new connections. If anyone wants to join just drop me a message with your number
I am able to host a small group for until in SW1 on Saturday 2nd October. If you would like to join for a social HON, please get in touch.
social naked meet 1/10/21 Trafalgar square hotel from 3 pm. message me for details
Over about 16 years now, we have found the pot luck system works remarkably well. We have some vegetarians and one or two vegans, so as the latter often bring what they need, a veggie offering is simplest for most as it also avoids the problem foods...
Have U switched? The switch to messaging about our socials (to our gmail address) has gone well but there are some of you who have not yet contacted us that way. Help yourself get messages in a timely way by dropping an e mail message to: ...
We are wondering if we should do more to help those finding us, yet don't have the courage to start attending our events. Looking back to my (Chris's) early experiences, both 'Eureka' moments (nude beach and later nude social) were...
Hi Guys, Thanks again for a great party last night. Having known some of you for a number of years, it was nice to finally get along to my first event with this group. I had a great time, and am looking forward to attending more in the future :o)...