Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

This is a really cool site. Wish more straight guys could think like this =)

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RE: Male Bonding

There is actually some great stuff on this site! I"ll be visiting it regularly. If the link above doesn't work, go to

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RE: Male Bonding

I love the BROBONDING website ! His explanation of male bonding naked together is so great and accurate !!!! I wish every guy can read this site and try to understand how great it is to be so open and bond together-- it is what life should be !!!

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RE: Male Bonding

Yes, a great site! Honest and straightforward and not judgmental. Thanks for letting us know about it.

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RE: Male Bonding

I agree withJrInkling. The site completely blurs the line between true male bonding / nudism and gay porn.
Not to sound hypocritical, I don't see anything wrong with the site (other than a severe lack of people of color, only two pictured). But if that's what its creator and followers enjoy than I respect that. However I'm frustrated that people like this promote such activities as either "male bonding" or "nudism". It sends the wrong message to those who aren't knowledgeable about either topic. And frankly I'm disappointed that some here have voiced support for the site.

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RE: Male Bonding

I am a mature gay man now, but while I was in college in the 1980's, I hung out with a diverse crowd of buddies, a lot of them straight. We would often climb into the hot tub for hours on cold winter nights and clothes were never considered an option. In fact, if a new guy tried to keep his shorts on he would be called "pussy" or something worse and be forced to strip. But, it was never a sexual atmosphere. Sure, the guys would joke about things, but it was always just that: joking. Now, years later, whenever I hear from one of those guys, the convo always seems to come around to those nights of naked male bonding in the hot tub. I think it is unanimous that those were among the best times. We all miss them!

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RE: Male Bonding

Cool. So it's gay porny? Definitely will check it out. :)

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RE: Male Bonding

good site.thanks!

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RE: Male Bonding

This is a really cool site. Wish more straight guys could think like this =) the 's' from the 'https' as it is not a secure site. If you do this you will not get the warning messages.

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RE: Male Bonding

There is actually some great stuff on this site! I"ll be visiting it regularly. If the link above doesn't work, go to
Your web address doesn't work. I was trying it for the hell of it.

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