Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

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I am not here to "be a friend collector" I really am looking for genuine friends of any race or said sexual with that being said I read profiles to try and find if the there common interests etc. and if there commonalities I might send a message to introduce myself to start some dialogue. I guess what frustrates me the most is that I get all these friend request from guys that I know have not read my profile because I have outlined how I would like to build friendship. Maybe I expect too much...Am I taking this friends request thing to seriously?

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I agree with your outlook. Be discerning who you befriend. I am happy to have friends who are Certified and have pictures. Unless we communicate and chat to establish a common interest or more, I do not accept blank Friends Requests. I have made many amazing friends and have met several on my travels. So, no you are not taking it too seriously

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I think you are taking a sensible line. I hope you find friends close to you with whom you can connect. That said, I've found some really interesting people to chat with, and with who I share things in common. There are people whose requests I have said no to, and a couple I have reported to the moderators. There are people I have friended who have never responded, but others with who I have chatted, emailed, and Skyped with. Even though I think looking for genuine friends is a great thing I think it's worth taking a chance to sift through the chaff. You never know what you will find.
Good luck!

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

Pity that I am too far Away.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

i honestly think its a preference like anything else.Although i respect you're way to conduct your profile,i personally, dont have any specific restrictions for anyonewho wants to add me as a friend. I usually will send someone a message when i read theirprofile that i liked what they had to say and i'm adding them.they can or don't have to add me.. but my message is just tomake friends. But if someone wants to add me without talking to me first,i take it as a compliment, because some part of my profileappealed to them... but thats just me.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I like bonding and lasting friendships, be it here on tn or within my area. I'm very open to meet guys from far and near and I'm happy to have conversations and sharing experiences and when physically visiting sharing my home with everyone, who is happy without reservations to be nude as I am.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I applaud your interest in friendship. Online culture in general has become impersonal and almost anti-social. People are more focused on collecting friends as a source of entertainment for themselves or an audience for their expression. There's not a lot of interaction and it's become socially acceptable to do things like send friend requests without ever talking to a person or never interact once you do follow someone.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

Maybe I expect too much...Am I taking this friends request thing to seriously?In my experience here (member for something like 4 years), the process of getting to know people here isn't really that much different than it is face to face. You exchange a "hello" and sometimes strike up a conversation and sometimes not. If you do strike up a conversation sometimes it leads to a second and sometimes not. After a few conversations you know if you have enough in common to have a few more. It's sometimes a slow process. Getting to know people takes time and can't really be rushed.
Having said that, you seem a decent guy so I'd be happy to have a chat with you sometime. Cheers! :)

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I am not here to "be a friend collector" I really am looking for genuine friends of any race or said sexual with that being said I read profiles to try and find if the there common interests etc. and if there commonalities I might send a message to introduce myself to start some dialogue. I guess what frustrates me the most is that I get all these friend request from guys that I know have not read my profile because I have outlined how I would like to build friendship. Maybe I expect too much...Am I taking this friends request thing to seriously?I've made several genuine friends here -- people I'm in contact with outside TN -- although none of those friendships began with a friend request. I see a FR as basically a friendly gesture, and so long as the person sending it appears somewhat aligned with my interests and values, I'm happy to respond in that spirit. More friendliness is always better, I'd say.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

Maybe you can look at finding different levels of friends. You seem intelligent but maybe you restrict yourself by wanting face pix for example and going into detail about sexual preferences. I don't want to include my face for professional reasons nor am I gay or oral. Maybe pursuing interests more than setting qualifications will bring better and more meaningful results. Good luck.

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RE: I am here to bond and make lasting friendships

I agree with your outlook. Be discerning who you befriend. I am happy to have friends who are Certified and have pictures. Unless we communicate and chat to establish a common interest or more, I do not accept blank Friends Requests. I have made many amazing friends and have met several on my travels. So, no you are not taking it too seriouslylikewise. And indeed cull my friends list from time to time by removing those who do not communicate or worse still do not respondmike

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