Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

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Hey guys,

This is a question I have been wondering for a LONG LONG time. It
all has to do with the 'bi-curious' label. The thing is, in
my mind, if you are actually curious you would explore this
curiosity. Then, after a few times, you would definitely know if
you actually like it or not and would no longer be "curious". Yet
it seems that many guys carry the bi-curious label for what seems
like forever and a day.

So I guess I am wondering what you guys think, gay, straight, or
bisexual. Also, if there are any bi-curious guys that would
like to chime in any maybe say what they believe "bi-curious" means
to them that would be cool too.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

How long is a piece of string? If you stop being curious about one guy then there is always another.... Most people think sexuality is a black and white thing, but for most of us it isn't. If a bloke is "bi-curious" and finds he enjoys it...on goes the curiosity and interest. If he doesn't, it's back chasing women.I like that response!

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

Well put

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

Labels and Titles, some people prefer the term Sexual. They can be happy with any gender at that point in time. I guess this goes back to the belief that we are all bisexual but tend to be more on one side of the fence or the other, some act on this attraction and some don't.You hit the nail on the head...I have had this discussion with many of my clients humans are sexual and that being said I think labels only get in the way of men especially living in fear of being themselves sexual human beings.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

I find it hard to relate to prefixed sexuality rather than just sexuality. Do we base it on who arouses us, how we physically respond or who we want to spend time in a loving, committed and nurturing relationship? It's not clear is it? Ill also disregard the prefix from curious and continue being curious. It keeps me alive and that's all good.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

Sad, to me that we have to label everything! I guess it's part of separating ourselves into 'tribes', but I, too believe we all have the capacity to be attracted to, love, and desire both sexes. Some of us may be able to act on those wants and needs better or more easily than others. I just wish societal stigmas didn't exist that obstruct so many from true happiness! Kind of like NAKEDNESS!

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

I find it hard to relate to prefixed sexuality rather than just sexuality. Do we base it on who arouses us, how we physically respond or who we want to spend time in a loving, committed and nurturing relationship? It's not clear is it? Ill also disregard the prefix from curious and continue being curious. It keeps me alive and that's all good.well said.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

I believe you can put your own label on yourself. Maybe in discussing a third person you might describe hims as bi or bi curious or curious. Its all relatively fluid. I know there are some people who think once you have played around with someone of the same sex that you are gay. Nothing can be further from the truth. I have chatted with men who are attracted to both sexes and i have chatted with men and women who are attracted only to the same sex exclusively. if someone asks me what i consider myself, its pretty easy. in my mid thirties i was curious. Bi my mid forties i was bi, and i consider myself bi. Works for me. i like both men and women. I find each attractive in their own way.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

I don't think sexuality desire/arousal is a "this or that" situation, but more a sliding scale, in constant movement. In my life, its been more a matter of who, where, when and circumstances. Its all about what feels right at the time, and most can enjoy all aspects of sexuality, if they relax and allow themselves to. My two cents, anyway

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???

We have to choose a label from among the TN tickboxes, or leave the box blank. Bi-curious at best might be the choice of those who don't like labels, since it doesn't limit you by your past experiences and present preferences. AS a label, though, it's a little creepy to me, kind of like soliciting sex as a perpetual virgin. None of the other labels imply that one is looking for a sex partner, which bi-curious seems to. I think that's why the fake female accounts usually use it. I'm technically bi, I suppose, but use "gay" because that's how my life is structured; I have no objections to guys who use "straight" in the same way, if they are in or are seeking a committed, primary, heterosexual relationship.

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RE: So how long does it take for bi-curious guys to stop being curious???curiou

I ve always been curious I was married for 30 years loved my wife But at the gym I like hanging nude in the sauna and shower I never acted on it until recently gave and received my first guy blow job it was hot I'm still very attracted to women I,m more confused now lol Right guy or tight lady just let things happen I don,t go cruising for guys only Ben with one

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