Male Bonding2

For those who like to explore the concept and dynamics of male bonding. Men are socialized in different ways in different societies, and so many men would like to have close male friendships, yet after spending time establishing a career, primary relationship and live in general, find themselves without close male friends. Many of us want male friends with whom we can share openly without...

Brothers,First, thank you for all of your contributions and sharing with each other.
Several of the posts have mentioned how nice it'd be with the headspace that have established within this group, if there were opportunities to meet up real time. With so many members, it would also take a few days to go through and sort through everyone's profiles to find guy who may be close enough to meet. AND frankly, there are those that take solace in the relative anonymity of an internet group like this and would not be comfortable meeting face to face.
However, for those who might be interested in meeting up with other brothers from this group, I'm going to try something (which may be great, or may be a disaster. Find below a link to a spreadsheet where you can enter your name and city/state. After guys start adding their names,those who have participatedwill be able to pull the info, sort by city or stateto find other members who may be nearby to them. At that point you can go back into TrueNudists, find their profile and contact them by private message here rather than putting out any personal email addresses, etc. I encourage you to use just first names or aliases if you prefer. Only those who actually have this link will have access to the spreadsheet.
If ANYONE participates and ends up having ANY issues, please let me know and I'll delete the spreadsheet completely. I am concerned for member's safety and comfort level, but also want to do all I can to help nudist men connect meaningfully with other nudistmen with similar attitudes.
If you have trouble accessing it, let me know and I'll see if there are adjustments to access that I need to make.
Lets' give this a try. And please continue to provide feedback for me.
Your sharing and mutual support is such a treasure that so many of us value as an important connection to brotherhood and masculine energy and friendship!!
Stay naked, my friends!!!

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RE: Locations

Great idea! I've added my name to the list!

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RE: Locations

Great idea, I want to sign up but am not able to see what the different columns are for, A, B, C ext

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RE: Locations

Great idea, have signed up

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RE: Locations

Thanks, Donker. I went through and added the column titles back in.......

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RE: Locations

Thanks ;-)

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RE: Locations

Thanks, Donker. I went through and added the column titles back in.......Looks like the headings are gone again.

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RE: Locations

Brothers,First, thank you for all of your contributions and sharing with each other. Several of the posts have mentioned how nice it'd be with the headspace that have established within this group, if there were opportunities to meet up real time. With so many members, it would also take a few days to go through and sort through everyone's profiles to find guy who may be close enough to meet. AND frankly, there are those that take solace in the relative anonymity of an internet group like this and would not be comfortable meeting face to face.However, for those who might be interested in meeting up with other brothers from this group, I'm going to try something (which may be great, or may be a disaster. Find below a link to a spreadsheet where you can enter your name and city/state. After guys start adding their names,those who have participatedwill be able to pull the info, sort by city or stateto find other members who may be nearby to them. At that point you can go back into TrueNudists, find their profile and contact them by private message here rather than putting out any personal email addresses, etc. I encourage you to use just first names or aliases if you prefer. Only those who actually have this link will have access to the spreadsheet. If ANYONE participates and ends up having ANY issues, please let me know and I'll delete the spreadsheet completely. I am concerned for member's safety and comfort level, but also want to do all I can to help nudist men connect meaningfully with other nudistmen with similar attitudes. If you have trouble accessing it, let me know and I'll see if there are adjustments to access that I need to make.Lets' give this a try. And please continue to provide feedback for me.Your sharing and mutual support is such a treasure that so many of us value as an important connection to brotherhood and masculine energy and friendship!!Stay naked, my friends!!!ScottAwesome!!! Thanks dude hopefully we can find some friends nearby to hang with this way!!!!Great idea :) thanks for your innovation and initiative :)

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RE: Locations

I would like to get on board this but as others have noted the column headings are gone so I wouldn't be certain what I was responding to.

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RE: Locations

Sorry guy..... column titles are back. Hopefully as guys go in to sort, they can not include the column titles.
Thanks for the encouragement and participation!!
Stay naked!Scott

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RE: Locations

This is a great idea and I hope this register continues to grow. I'm always open to expanding my circle of naked friends.
Cheers all !

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