Mac Pro Nudist

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Apple Support Profile

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I recently had my MacBook Pro's and iPhone stolen and not really sure if anyone knows about the support profile. Anyways I was able to recover all the serial numbers from my. This is what the law authorities need in addition to other Information.Apple does not make the support profile easy to find and I want to help other Apple users by giving this advise:1. Make sure you understand how useful yourIs and how to use it.2. Registar your products and Serial Numbers3. Print out a copy of your Support Profile (keep in a safe place)4. Contact your iPhone provider:,,ect and tell them your iPhone was stolenHaving the serial numbers redily available for law authorities is what saved my Apple products and I recovered them. There is a data base that the detectives use and they can search every pawn shop. Having said that I want to thank Apple for the support profile and thats where I recovered my serial numbers. Apple should put a priority on making sure everyone knows how to use it.You can clickto see your support profile and make sure you enter all your Apple product Information Including Serial numbers.
You can also go to Tuts and read the about Support Profile by clicking hereMaui

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