Lovers Of Hot Springs

For those of us who love to visit hot springs in the buff. Post your favorite spring, stories and pictures!

Deep Creek in AppleValley, CA

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Has anyone else frequented there? Its been many years since I made the journey from Bowen Ranch.

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RE:Deep Creek in AppleValley, CA

It's been 3 or 4 years since I've been too. Iused the Brandford Ridge trail last time so it's been even longer since I've parked at Bowen's Ranch.

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RE:Deep Creek in AppleValley, CA

We went two years ago and enjoyed it. Ended up joining a group on the way down who gave us a heads up that it was CO. "Yep, we know, that's why we're going, but thanks for the heads up." Enjoyed our time down there. Hiked up nude and others ended up doing so also.

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RE:Deep Creek in AppleValley, CA

We've been there a couple of times, hiking in from both directions. Hope to go again, although it's 2,000 miles away.

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RE:Deep Creek in AppleValley, CA

I have been there a few times over the years when I get to California. It seems like a lot of textiles come out on weekends. I stopped on a Saturday and went down to the springs without a suit because it is clothing optional. Well.... about 70-100 people and I was the only one naked. It was a bit awkward. I have heard the middle of the week gets better nude use. I am hoping to be there around June 11th/12th. I will see how it is this time.

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