Look At Me! I'm Totally Naked

For those of us that love to be completely naked and don't mind who sees us and knows about it. Whether it's indoors, outside, in private or in public, relaxing on the beach or modelling in a studio, we love showing off every inch of our naked bodies to anyone who'll see us. We have nothing to hide and are proud to be nudists.

Surprise Nudity

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Hey guys, the other night after the wife and kids were asleep I went down to the spa at a non nudist resort. A little while later a very fit muscular dad that was staying in the resort joined me.
After about 10 mins he stood up took off his speedos and sat the on the edge. He was now stark naked in the public spa. This was instantly exhilarating for me to see another guy so confident with himself and his body that he was happy to be publicly naked.
Anyone else got similar stories about when they have either walked in on another man naked or a guy has surprised you by taking his gear off?

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RE: Surprise Nudity

Hey guys, the other night after the wife and kids were asleep I went down to the spa at a non nudist resort. A little while later a very fit muscular dad that was staying in the resort joined me.After about 10 mins he stood up took off his speedos and sat the on the edge. He was now stark naked in the public spa. This was instantly exilarating for me to see another guy so confident with himself and his body that he was happy to be publicly naked.Anyone else got similar stories about when they have either walked in on another man naked or a guy has surprised you by taking his gear off?When I was 10 I was in a public spa at local pool. There was this muscle guy sitting opposite me. He stood up facing me and had the biggest fucking boner in his speedos.
He got out and walked past everyone with a full Hardon.
I followed him to the locker room to find he had peeled off the speedos and was furiously jerking his cock in the open showers.
Some guys called him a perve and left.
I was glued to the show!

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RE: Surprise Nudity

Great story; thats the way its Always supposed to be!

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RE: Surprise Nudity

Great story; thats the way its Always supposed to be!This morning I had to leave for work super early so was up in the dark. I could see through the open blinds that the neighbours were also up early. Totally naked I switched on the light... They quickly turned theirs off but I could still see enough to tell they were watching me!

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RE: Surprise Nudity

Spending most of my free time naked, I lived many
times similar situations. The last one happened only 3 days ago. I was in a hotel
Spa in Merano (unfortunately it was not a nudist resort) and as I did during
the days that elapsed there, before going to dinner, I went down to the comfort
zone to swim and relax myself a little bit in the jacuzzi. That day there was
just another man. After having swum I decided to enter in the jacuzzi in which
there was the other man. After a moment he looked at me, asked me if I was in
room no. 7. I was surprised at that moment, as I had not seen this man before.
While I was wondering as he knew the number of my room, he continued telling me
that he also loved to sleep naked. I imagine that he read the surprise on my face
so he apologized (although he had not to do it, I was just thinking how he could
know that I sleep nude) and he told me that he was in the room next to mine and
that our rooms share the same balcony. So he explained me that during the
morning he was on the balcony smoking a cigarette when noticed that his neighbor
(me) was peacefully sleeping nude. He thought it was a funny coincidence to
share the balcony with another man with his own passion (to sleep nude) and
therefore he confessed me that he could not avoid to take a lookand considering
that my window was quite open he could see everything about me, hehe!I have to
admit that it was a good moment, I consider he was very honest and also brave,
it is not so common to meet another man who so honestly shares with you a
moment of his own intimacy recongnizing that he spied you for a while, hehe! To
be continued..

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RE: Surprise Nudity

I'll add an encounter that happened this afternoon. Since I have a privacy wall and tall hedges surrounding the property I was outside in the front checking the fountain, totally naked if course. At the same time I heard a guy at my security gate saying Hello, can I talk to you a minute? He could see me through the space between gate and wall. I thought noting of it and walked over and opened my gate to a nice looking guy who asked if he could talk to me about saving on my power bills with solar panels. Since I'm very uninhibited about nudity I stood there naked while he gave a short soft sales pitch and asked me a few questions. I then let him know I wasn't interested. He was polite and asked if he could leave me some info and speak a bit more about how it will help me if I decided to use panels in the future. He spoke to me a few more minutes then gave me a brochure, thanked me for my time and said he'd be happy to return to speak to me more if change my mind. That was it! I think that's one thing I love about living in Palm Springs, nudity is so common that people with jobs that require visiting homes have no issues with people being naked. The guy may have glanced down a few times checking things out but other than that he didn't even bat an eye.

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RE: Surprise Nudity

Exactly how it should be mate.
Great story - thanks for adding.
Nothing better than men being naked around men without a care in the world.

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RE: Surprise Nudity

So at the gym (public coed) I took a shower before going to the pool. So still naked headed for the door to the pool opened the door and stepped out in the open naked. (what a rush) I picked adult swim time but they were having waterexerciseabout to start so there were more people there than I expected. I walked to the far end of the pool to the sauna and that is when I pretended to "notice" that I had "forgotten" my swim suit. Then headed back. after wards one guy commented saying that he wished he had the nerve to do that too.

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RE: Surprise Nudity

My story happened at home, one saturday about a month ago I was waxing the car in the garage out of the sun but the doors were open and the doors face the woods to the side and am always naked as it was very hot. I had the radio and was taking wax off when my neighbor next door stopped to see if he could barrow the tree trimming pole he said yep your naked..lol, he his wife and kids know I am always nude here but I do try to be carefull if the kids are out even with the distance between the proberties.
So I said sure and not thinking about it grabbed the keys to the shed and off we went me not thinking about the neighbors across the road, they were not out so no biggy, When he left he said he was going to have a fire later and to stop over and have a few beers, after dinner and shower I was sitting out on the deck reading and next thing I knew it was dark and yes I could see the fire but was more thinking going to bed when my cell rang and he asked if I was comming over.
So I slipped a pair of shorts on and went over, he was the only one there his wife and kids had gone into the house and bed, so he said you can get naked here so being it was hot and just a small fire I didnt need any coaxing. As we where chatting next thing he he is stripping and said this does feel so much better, we sat at the fire till 3 in the morning and I still wonder how I walked back home..lol That was the start and has happened two times since then, I will leave it at that for now.

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