Legal Use ( Washington And Colorado

hmmm welll I m sure it will come to me soon. OH I remember. We have a song: "Roll roll roll your joint twist it at the ends take a toke blow your smoke and pass it to your friends" to the tune of row row row your_______??????? If you dont know the rest then maybe put it down for awhile.

I hoped but didnt really expect to see the day I didnt have to worry about the man. gettin busted for a silly lets all enjoy a toke.

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RE: Welcome!!

Isn't it great! I am suprised that it took this long, but the level of ignorance on the subject is astounding. I have discussed this Ad Nauseum (?) with older relatives and friends in my motorcycle groups who are convinced of instant addiction.
They all seem to know a stoner who can't keep a job and I cannot convince them that the problem is a lack of work ethic, not marijuana.
Anyway, toke on. I am on my way to see the 3D Wizard of Oz this afternoon. My longsuffering wife is designated as the designated driver. HaHaHa.....

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