Ireland Nude

A group for nudists living in Ireland to get in touch with each other and to get to know one another

Free Swim for INA members (current or that sign up on the day) - 25th February

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Irish Naturist Association is offering a free swim for INA members (possibility to join on the door that day) on Thursday 25th February 2016 from 9.30 to 10.30pm
Non members will pay an admission fee of 15 and will be allowed in only if the maximum number of people permitted has not been exceeded.Booking form to secure a place for members (or prospective members):
Membership is 55 euro per year (reduced rates of 40 euro per 65+ and 20 euro per 18-25 years of age)
I'll be happy to answer questions about the association here or privately or that night at the door (I'll be charging the entrance fee),

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RE: Free Swim for INA members (current or that sign up on the day) - 25th February

Hi, where is it?

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