Indiana Nudists

A place for nudists from the hoosier state to connect.

Getting To Know Each Other

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I just checked how many Hoosiers are on this site. There are just over 2,300 of us. Now many haven't signed on in years. But there are still over a thousand of us, that are active nudists.

I am basically anti-social. It takes me a long time to make friends. It is very difficult for me to just jump into a gathering and make friends. I am assuming there are plenty of other like myself. We want to be social but it is difficult to make ourselves to get together with other nudists or anyone for that matter, but nudists especially, because when we are nude we are more vulnerable. But we want to be social.

So this is what I am proposing. I would like to leave my skype addy here and the email address that goes with it. I would like for fellow Hoosiers that wish to at some point meet and be social, to use that addy so we can meet on skype and get to know each other in the safety of our own homes, before we make the plunge to meet in person. I feel that if we become comfortable with each other before actually meeting live, then it will be easier for us to gather socially.

I am hoping that we as Hoosiers can come together as a nudist group. Nudism in Indiana is difficult. This state frowns on people being naked. So we only have each other for support. Other wise, we are individual nudists hiding in our own little corner, never venturing out to be with others of like mind.

If you are interested.

Skype addy : Skinny Dipper


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