I Remain Nude When Guests/service P
This group is for ALL fellow nudists whom remain nude, regardless of who visits the home. Personally, I have always remained nude for every guest and visitor to my home, including neighbors, plumbers, cable and telephone techs., Fedex, UPS, food/pizza delivery, and many more. It's every nudists right to be nude when at home. Why cover up? Please feel free to share your experience.
Amazon Hub
Return to DiscussionsSince an Amazon Hub was put into our apartment complex I have very few people coming to my door. I actually have to get dressed to go out to retrieve my packages and to pick up my mail which is delivered to mailboxes at the leasing office.
However, I try to tell those that might come to the door that they may find me naked if they do not call ahead. So far I have not had an embarrassing encounter with anyone, except perhaps the guy that comes in to bait for roaches. He hasn't said anything but he doesn't seem to look directly at me either.